Saturday, 13 April 2013

General Election 13 : The Beginner Reminder

Over the time, people keep on questioning when will the general election will be. The questions vary over the time but the gist remain the same. Now, as the government had put down their crown, everyone is anxiously waiting for the voting day. Questions like which party will lead Malaysia, who will won the hot seat, will several famous politicians rise again and so on is continuously debated. Each party cautiously planned their moves and list down only win-able candidate. Not to mentioned war of flags, projects as well as promises viciously took place. Some predicted that this GE will be a clean slate for Malaysia.

As a first-timer voter, I am excited to cast mine. Voting is a right that every citizens should seize and treasure. Through it, we are able to shape what kind of government that we want to follow. The choices that we made are those we will get in future. As a student I am involved with various programme and encounter different types of people. Some are pretty ignorant with the political environment, some chose neither sides while others are boldly stating their preferences. For me, it is important to have a stand. To at least have the necessary knowledge of how does politics works, what are the mechanism that the current government use, what are the pros and cons and how it benefits us. It surely doesn't hurt to do a regular reading on current issues and do some research before starts pointing fingers to other. I recalled one conversation with a friend that say he wish the government did this and did that. The discussion ongoing for quite some time and at the end I ask him, "Have you registered?" and ironically he has not yet done so. Fuh, there goes it. People keep on complaining of the government faults and forget to see theirs first.

My advice to everyone who is legally registered and entitled for a vote, do homework first. Let your vote reflect your level of intelligence not driven by emotions. Ask yourself how much have you contribute to the nation, not what the nation has contribute to you. How much are we willing to pay for peace price if the government tomorrow fail to retain what we have today. Think, reflect, chose and vote.

Happy Voting Malaysia.

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